Good News Booklet


We are not going to know when Jesus is coming back.....Period! He is just going to show up.

Why should He give us advance notice? Maybe so we could all continue with our sinful ways right up to His arrival, and then have an epiphany one day before that?

I don’t think so.

The bible has been forecasting His arrival for millenia.

God, through His Apostles, inspired words to the bible books' authors, Moses, Abraham, and all His disciples, warned the Earth’s inhabitants long before the Flood came.

They ignored the warnings.

Why would Jesus’s return be any different?


We have all been notified..... whether we choose to believe it or not.

They say “fore-warned is fore-armed”. I believe that. You should

Take a look at the sand pebbles on the top of the home page. Aren’t you interested in being in Heaven (whether you believe it actually exists or not) for eternity?

OR.....would you rather take a chance that God is wrong, the bible is wrong, and the whole story about the “Good News” is an “Alternate Reality”…..that when you die, that’s it?

Like the Garden of Eden's “Water of Life”, Satan's “Kool-Aid” only comes in one flavor.

Only you can decide which one suits you best.

If you drink one, you have to spit out the other. THEY DO NOT MIX!

MARANATHA! (it means Lord come)



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